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Services Provided

Comprehensive Psychological  Assessment

A comprehensive psychological assessment can serve as a foundation for educational and treatment plans that allow families the ability to better understand their child's specific needs and enabling them to more effectively advocate for their child.  Assessments are tailored to your child's specific strengths and challenges and include an evaluation and written report that can potentially be utilized as a starting point for educational and other services including Individualized Education Plans (IEPSs) and 504 Plan accommodations.  As a licensed psychologist and nationally certified school psychologist, Dr. Galford conducts comprehensive psychological assessments in several different areas including:


  • Autism Spectrum Disorder

  • Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

  • Executive Functioning difficulties

  • Learning Disabilities in reading, math, and written expression 

  • Intellectual and developmental disorders

  • Anxiety Disorders (e.g. generalized anxiety, social anxiety, OCD, phobias, etc.)

  • Mood Disorders (e.g. depression, bipolar disorder, etc.)

  • Behavioral Disorders (e.g. Oppositional Defiant Disorder)


Assessments conducted at Gateway Psychological Services are comprehensive and individually customized to identify each individual's unique pattern of strengths and challenges, determine the cause of difficulties, and identify appropriate recommendations and interventions to assist the patient and family at home, school, and the community.  With the comprehensive assessments Dr. Galford conducts, individuals are provided with a comprehensive report reviewed with Dr. Galford during an assessment feedback session.  This session and review of report occurs once all components of the evaluation have been completed as a culminating piece of the assessment process.  

Individual Therapy

Individual therapy is focused on improving the social, emotional, and behavioral difficulties experienced by many children and teens. Through therapy, individuals will learn to manage these difficulties in a way that improves mood, behavior, and overall functioning. Dr. Galford provides individual therapy for children and adolescents that incorporate a variety of treatment modalities.  Individualized goals are set with patients that incorporate treatment that is research-based.  At Gateway Psychological Services we utilize evidence-based treatment and developmentally appropriate approaches individualized for each patient's background and presenting issue or concern.  


Parent Consultations

Parent consultations are beneficial in conjunction with their child's individual therapy.  Additionally, navigating the process of understanding school related interventions through Response to Intervention, 504 Plans, Individualized Education Plans (IEPs), and special education can be confusing and challenging.  With Dr. Galford's background as a licensed teacher, school psychologist, and licensed psychologist, she is able to assist families through parent consultations who may have questions or concerns surrounding these matters.  



The Lord will guide you always......Isaiah 58:11

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